NJ Phone : 201-567-5535
NY Phone : 212-988-2830




People often seek therapy to provide themselves with a nonjudgmental confidant with whom they can share any concerns, any sadness or anxiety. Frequently depression, family or relationship difficulties contribute to these feelings as do the events of childhood or current life that may be experienced as traumatic.

Having a therapeutic forum in which any or all of these matters can be talked about can be quite relieving.



Children of all ages can be helped to adjust to their home and school environments while learning to express their various emotions as they identify and name the feelings they are experiencing.
Therapy can help them to develop self control as they learn to manage and control inevitable frustrations. These achievements can improve relationships with parents, siblings and peers while contributing to the development of independence.
Therapy can also provide an opportunity to assess academic difficulties and seek appropriate remedies.


Adolescents must build upon the achievements and accomplishments of childhood and revise those areas of development that may not be functioning well for them. The essential tasks of adolescence include the establishment of a sense of identity, the deepening of peer relationships, the solidifying of academic achievements and the development of maturing relationships with parents while seeking growing independence and self sufficiency.
Often therapeutic intervention is useful at this complex time of life, as these developmental tasks are manifold and frequently stressful for both adolescents and their parents.


For child and adolescent therapy to be effective, parental support is essential. Parents can assist the therapist in understanding their child’s world while the therapist can be available to provide information about child development and developmental needs.
This working relationship between parents and therapist can be an asset to family life.


Anxiety and tension frequently interfere with the emotional life of expectant parents.
Therapeutic intervention can often reduce stress at this crucial time.
Pregnancy loss and it’s ensuing grief can also be addressed with an empathic therapist.


  • Adult psychotherapy
  • Adult psychoanalysis
  • Child assessment
  • Play therapy
  • Consultation

    “ I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each person as each person has a different story. “


    – Paraphrased from a quote by Irvin D. Yalom